1 April Fools Day! Google announced the launch of Google Nose, Gmail Blue and The Treasure Mode on Google Maps! :)
It wasn't so funny when Google announced that Youtube is closing and they're gonna award the best video !
I present you the pishing methode for hacking facebook! This is only for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE!!!!
You can download those files from here ! It will be a tutorial on how to make these on your own!
Look at this awesome wallpaper! You are free to download it in HD! It will be a tutorial on how to make it!
Download it from here !
Hello guys! I bring to you a very useful tool for those who are interested in electronics... a COIL CALCULATOR!
You can use it to find the inductance of a coil... or the number of turns of the wire for a given inductance!Download it free from here !
P.S. : I do not own anything!
How to simulate a radio transmitter in LTspice! Be ready for other videos!
A radio transmitter is a device that takes the sound wave and put the information within it in a carrier electromagnetic wave, wich is transmitted by the antenna. The process of inserting information in an electromagnetic wave is called modulation.
LTspice, now on Scitech! The best electronics simulator of all... In some tutorials and clips I'll use it!
LTspice- download free from here !